8th September 2023

Our IHP joint venture celebrates 20 years!

Integrated Health Projects (IHP), the joint venture between Vinci Building and Sir Robert McAlpine, turns 20 this year and has a lot to celebrate.

For our healthcare sector, 2023 is a big year with significant anniversaries to celebrate, writes Alan Kondys, Health Sector Director at IHP.

IHP 20th anniversary logo.Firstly of course there is the 75th anniversary of the NHS, a ‘national treasure’ that has touched all our lives. 

This September also marks the 20th anniversary of Integrated Health Projects (IHP), the joint venture between VINCI Building and Sir Robert McAlpine) – “probably one of the best construction joint ventures in the world!”

IHP have over 500 team members and are supported by a fantastic group of design and supply chain partners. Over our 20 years this team has together been appointed on schemes approaching £3bn in value for 90 NHS Clients.

It’s amazing that IHP have been supporting the NHS for such a significant portion of its life. Over this period, we have accumulated extensive healthcare infrastructure experience covering Acute, Mental Health and Social Care facilities. We have been selected as partners on all 4 iterations of the ProCure Framework along with NHS Building for Wales.

During the COVID -19 emergency, we completed the 750-bed Manchester Nightingale Hospital in just 13 days. Together with further emergency facilities at Preston and Rainbow Surge Centres at Bangor and Deeside, we delivered over 1,500 beds in less than a month!  This was an incredible performance by the IHP team.  We were asked to assist the NHS in this national emergency and IHP are proud to have delivered.

At the beginning of this year IHP were called on again to design and deliver 7 temporary ambulance discharge hubs across England over a 10-week period. This IHP achievement was summed up well by one of the clients who said, “This has improved the patient experience and enabled ambulances to return into the community, most definitely saving lives”!

For IHP it is not only about delivering projects. We have also been at the forefront of collaboration and innovation.  

We have pioneered multi- table theatres over a series of schemes, introduced and contributed to the development of the ProCure Repeatable Rooms, partnered on the CIH Platform Programme and developed the basis of a Standard Platform for Healthcare Buildings.

So, a lot to celebrate and IHP will be proudly marking its 20 years and celebrating the NHS 75 years with 12 months of related charity events, publications and gatherings. We will keep you posted!  

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