Introducing our Certified Passivhaus Consultants
07 Dec 2021Our commitment to reducing operational emissions for our clients is being demonstrated through a series of Passivhaus training workshops undertaken across the business.
Lincoln MGT, a joint venture between Lincoln Property Company and MGT Investment Management, has announced the appointment of Sir Robert McAlpine as the contractor for the second phase of its £750m Station Hill scheme in Reading.
We are delivering the most prominent phase of the regeneration project, which includes ‘ONE’ Station Hill (the 275,000 sq ft office building), a new public square and a link bridge providing level access from the train station through to the town centre. This latest phase will be completed in early 2024.
Preparatory works have already begun, with the town centre now visible from the train station for the first time in generations following the demolition of the Garrard Street car park, regarded by many as an outdated and unpleasant welcome to Reading.
Construction on the first phase, a new 600-home community, is also well underway, with the first homes ready to occupy in Q2 2023. Final completion is expected to coincide with the conclusion of works on Phase 2 in 2024.
Once complete, Station Hill will comprise up to 625,000 sq ft best-in-class office space, 1300 private and affordable homes, and 100,000 sq ft of new lifestyle-led retail and leisure space, including potential for a 200-bed hotel and later living accommodation, and central two acre piazza. This will deliver a truly sustainable eco system of blended uses that complement one another, setting a new benchmark for regional regeneration.
We are delighted to be appointed as lead contractor on phase 2 of the construction of the Station Hill scheme. We look forward to working with Lincoln MGT to deliver this exciting new development for Reading. This is also a great opportunity for us to be working with the skilled workforce locally and creating social value for the community.”
Ian Cheung Managing Director, South, Sir Robert McAlpine
Alex Aitchison, Director of Development at Lincoln Property Company UK, said:
“As we continue at pace at Station Hill, already one of the largest-ever speculative projects in the history of the Thames Valley, this announcement ensures that Reading will soon have a new, world-class welcome befitting its status. Sir Robert McAlpine brings with it over 150 years of experience delivering iconic construction projects and we are delighted to partner with them to deliver this unique, cohesive vision for the people of Reading."
Our commitment to reducing operational emissions for our clients is being demonstrated through a series of Passivhaus training workshops undertaken across the business.
We have submitted our response to the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)'s flexible working consultation to support the Government in making flexible working accessible to all.
Over the coming years, hundreds of trees will be planted across the site.