Alice Hands, Head of Ethical and Sustainable Procurement, joins a panel of experts at CIPS’s seminar to discuss modern slavery.
This seminar will look at the challenges around complex supply chains and the difficulties in gaining transparency within those supply chains. Modern slavery is the extreme end of a very wide spectrum of exploitation. That spectrum can start with something that seems insignificant to many and often not obvious to an observer, but to the person it is affects, it has huge negative consequences.
Unfortunately, construction has this spectrum of exploitation and I firmly believe that we need to talk more about modern slavery and labour exploitation to ensure that people are aware of it, understand the issues and feel comfortable about raising a concern they may have.
Alice Hands
Head of Ethical and Sustainable Procurement
As Head of Ethical and Sustainable Procurement, a large part of Alice’s role currently centres on the development and delivery of Sir Robert McAlpine’s response to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 which has included becoming the first main contractor to be verified under the BRE’s Ethical Labour Sourcing Standard. Alice has since broadened the company’s strategy to ensure it takes a proactive approach to understand and respond to the risks. Alice believes that working collaboratively within the industry is key to successfully addressing modern slavery.
Alice adds: "The work we are doing on addressing labour exploitation means we are looking at our supply chain through a new lens, and we are actively looking for issues rather than waiting for them to appear. Over the next few months, we will be rolling out more training and awareness material for our teams and projects on this topic."