18th January 2024

Strong Foundations Grants awarded by Museum of London project team

Congratulations to the four charities and community projects that have been awarded a share of our Strong Foundations Grant for the Museum of London via ActionFunder.

Colleagues from our Museum of London project team selected the following organisations:  

  • Bootstrap Charity is a workspace and business-led charity that promotes responsible business to address inequality in Hackney. The funds they receive will be used to teach gardening and plant maintenance skills to unemployed adults in Hackney, working with local charities including Circle Collective and AdvanceUK to support 10 unemployed adults. 
  • MyBigCareer offers support to young people aged 11 -18 from disadvantaged backgrounds by providing career guidance, assisting access to higher education, and creating opportunities for workplace experience and employment. Funding through our grant will provide Career Coaching sessions for Pupil Premium students aged 14-16. These sessions will help broaden their careers awareness and address the lack of positive role models in young people’s lives through sessions with volunteers from the working world, who listen and build confidence. 
  • Castlehaven Community Association is an award-winning Community Association in the heart of Camden Town. It offers safe and inclusive spaces and engaging learning opportunities for people of all ages. Camden is home to many vulnerable older men who lack the social skills or confidence to reach out and ask for help, companionship, or information. This funding will enable the team to set up sessions specifically for men in the area with the aim of helping these older men break down social barriers and build friendships as well as their independence and skillset. 
  • Daisies Kids Club was set up by parents to help other parents and their children. Based in Hackney, the third most deprived borough in London, it offers support to those in disadvantaged situations. Funding from our grant will be used to support children whose family home is not always the safest place for them to be. They will be able to attend a weeklong play scheme that will run twice a year during school holidays. This will offer them a kind, reassuring safe, fun, and friendly environment to visit and an opportunity to get involved in activities, crafts, games and performance. 

My Big Career

Congratulations to the recipients of our Strong Foundations Grants, who have been awarded funds up to £3,000 to make a difference in their local community. 

At the end of last year, we invited local charities and community groups to apply for a share of our Strong Foundations Grants in eight locations situated near our projects across the country. Together the 2023 Strong Foundations Grants amount to £145,000. 

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